"Voltige" is the result of 5 years dedicated to photographing birds doing aerial acrobatics never seen before : flight, fight, etc… Those fugacious behaviours, impossible to see with the naked eye, are freezed by the camera, thanks to high speed technics.
All photos have been taken with a white board set as background to obtain this painting-like appearance. There is no special post-production editing except for the usual exposure, contrast and color saturation tuning.
Species presentation
11 different species have been pictured in the book : Great Tit, Blue Tit, European Greenfinch, European Goldfinch, European Serin, Eurasian Siskin, Common Chaffinch, European Robin, House Sparrow, Dunnock, Brambling.
Family presentation - Exemple : The Fringillidae family
Exemple of one the seventy 30x30 cm photos
Index (with shooting parameters -"Exif")