The Australian Dingo is the largest predator among mammal species of Australia. The Dingo is a feral species that is linked to tamed dogs introduced by early indigenous settlers 5.000 years ago. It has been heavily hunted and is not that easy to spot in the wild.
My best spotting sites to see Dingo during my stay were :
1 – Fraser Island, Queensland, where the largest population of pure Dingo (not interbred with domestic dogs) lives.
2 – Kings Canyon, Northern Territory, in the outback. I also heard Dingo howling at night in the iconic Ayers Rock area which is close to Kings Canyon.
In the video you will see these two magic instants. You will notice how an opportunist species is the Dingo. In the first sequence, in Fraser island, we spotted a Dingo trying (and succeeding) to open a coconut. In the second one, by Kings Canyon, the Dingo that we followed was scavenging on a dead wallaby on the road, very likely killed by a car.
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